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Retraining AI to retrain people, with Isabelle Bichler-Eliasaf from

Across the globe, unemployment is currently one of the worlds big issues. No one understands this more than Isabelle Bichler-Eliasaf who founded - technology that uses data to help organisations find the best talent and prepare their employees for the jobs of the future, today. We spoke to Isabelle about closing the skills gap, and humanity's fear that robots could take over the world.
August 22, 2021

Across the globe, unemployment is currently one of the worlds big issues. Statistically speaking, it's at the same level as it was back in WWII. No one understands this more than Isabelle Bichler-Eliasaf who founded - technology that uses data to help organisations find the best talent and prepare their employees for the jobs of the future, today. We spoke to Isabelle about closing the skills gap, and humanity's fear that robots could take over the world.

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