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Tabnine Extends Generative AI Alliance With Google

Tabnine Extends Generative AI Alliance With Google
March 24, 2023

Tabnine, a generative AI platform provider, has expanded its partnership with Google Cloud to further promote the adoption of generative AI in automating code writing and testing. Tabnine has already developed its own large language model hosted on Google Cloud and will now utilize Google's large language model to automate software development life cycle processes. Tabnine aims to enable the use of multiple large language models through APIs integrated with development environments, rather than relying on a single platform provider. The Tabnine platform supports various programming languages and integrates with popular IDEs like Visual Studio Code and Jetbrains. The goal is to simplify code writing based on custom models using secure private repositories. Generative AI has the potential to increase development speed, reduce the need for larger DevOps teams, and lower barriers to adopting DevOps practices. However, organizations must ensure the quality of training data for AI models and keep up with the rapid pace of generative AI innovation.